FPS Series Fan Powered VAV Terminal
Designed to provide superior comfort control to zones with heating and cooling requirements. The unit's fan runs continuously to deliver constant airflow to space during occupied hours, The primary air damper controls the primary air into the terminal unit. The cooled air is delivered to the space through the terminal's fan. When heating is required, the ceiling plenum air is drawn through the induction inlet, so the supply air temperature is raised to improve space air movement. Quiet intermittent fan operation. Solid state fan speed controller. Analog electronic or digital control. Quickly installation PCB power board. Available with ultra-high efficiency ECM motor technology go green. ARI Certified list.
Primary inlet diameter: 5’’ to 18’’ (125 to 456mm)
Primary air flow ranges: 59 to 4200 CFM (0.028 to 1.38m3/s)
Intermittent fan flow ranges: 188 to 1580 CFM (0.088 to 0.74m3/s)
Primary inlet diameter: 5’’ to 18’’ (125 to 456mm)
Primary air flow ranges: 88 to 1950 CFM (0.04 to 0.92m3/s)
Constant fan flow ranges: 88 to 1950 CFM (0.04 to 0.92m3/s)
External staticpressure ranges:0.15 to 1 in.wg (37 to 250 Pa)